Nickel Creek and Andrew Bird
Nickel Creek and Andrew Bird
with Mike Viola
About Nickel Creek:
Nickel Creek is mandolinist Chris Thile, violinist Sara Watkins and guitarist Sean Watkins. Together a sum of more than their staggering parts, the trio revolutionized bluegrass and folk in the early 2000s and ushered in a new era of what we now recognize as Americana music. After a nine year absence, the Platinum-selling, Grammy Award - winning trio returned in 2023 with the highly-anticipated album, Celebrants — a bounty of 18 disparate but loosely connected songs written collectively during a creative retrea t in Santa Barbara in early 2021. The result is perhaps the most audacious yet accessible release of the Grammy-winning trio’s 34 - year career. The entire enterprise is, naturally, shot through with the trio’s virtuosic picking and shiver - inducing harmonies . The lyrics — addressing love, friendship, time, and the universal travails of travel — combine the poetic and plain - spoken, hitting a sweet spot of ethereal and relatable as bridges are built, crossed, burned, and rebuilt.
About Andrew Bird:
Andrew Bird is a Grammy-nominated, internationally acclaimed multi instrumentalist, songwriter and composer who has released 17 records to date. Recording and touring extensively, Bird has performed around the world at festivals and renowned institutions including Ca rnegie Hall, Sydney Opera House and Walt Disney Concert Hall. A TED Talks presenter, a New Yorker Festival guest, and an op - ed contributor for the New York Times, Bird debuted on the cast of Fargo’s fourth installment on FX in the fall of 2020. Bird's album, My Finest Work Yet, was nominated for “Best Folk Album” at the 2020 Grammy Awards. Bird’s most recent album, Inside Problems, was released June 2022 on Loma Vista Recordings.

6:00 PM -
7:00 PM -
Reserved Seating
$69.00 - $89.00
General Admission
Box Seating
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